Parkinson’s Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy for Parkinson's Disease in New York

About Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s Disease  affects your movement and quality of life. This happens because of the irregular communication between your brain and muscles. As you age, or as your Parkinson’s progresses, you may notice symptoms of your Parkinson’s increasing. 

The symptoms of the illness may worsen as it progresses, making it harder for you to perform daily tasks. Prevention is truly better than cure. If you treat the symptoms in the early stage, or before they progress, you will notice that your body responds well to the treatment. Your quality of life will improve, and you can enjoy daily activities with little to no discomfort. 

The best way to treat Parkinson’s is with interventional programs. These treatment strategies can include a course of medication, physical therapy, speech therapy, and/or lifestyle changes. All of these treatments may provide a better outlook for your future with the condition.

How Parkinson’s affects the brain and body  

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease that damages the nerve cells in the brain. This damage may be extensive and reduces the brain’s movement messages to the body. This can also affect mood and emotions for the sufferer. 

As with many neurological conditions, Parkinson’s is an “invisible disease”. Symptoms of Parkinson’s may not show up until mobility is affected. People with Parkinson’s find out they may have the condition when their gait and movement is affected adversely and greatly. 

Symptoms of Parkinson’s 

The common effects of Parkinson’s manifest as physical problems and disruptions in movement. People with Parkinson’s notice that their movement is affected the most. Normal walking may become slow and painful. One leg may “want to move” and the other will feel stuck or frozen in place. In addition, arms and legs may tremble or spasm.  

Symptoms of Parkinson’s includes:
  • Slowed movements
  • Balance problems
  • Tremors
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Loss of involuntary movements including blinking, swallowing 


Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s 

Parkinson’s physical therapy can help manage and alleviate movement problems. Self management, maintaining general health, and slowing down deterioration can be practiced with guidance and education in physical therapy services for Parkinson’s. You can prevent the onset of difficulties in movement with physical treatment. Preventive physical therapy can improve your gait or walking, hell with balance, mobility, and manual tasks. 

while lowering the chance of falling.

When should you see a Parkinson’s physiotherapist? 

You can work with a Parkinson’s physiotherapist at any stage of Parkinson’s! Parkinson’s physiotherapists are experts who can guide you with a program that best matches your needs and lifestyle. 

The most ideal time to seek physical therapy services for Parkinson’s is right after you receive your Parkinson’s diagnosis. This improves your chances at reducing or eliminating symptoms associated with Parkinson’s. 

Physical therapy services for Parkinson’s include targeted exercises and movement to alleviate difficulty and discomfort. Parkinson’s physiotherapists will assist you in improving the symptoms of Parkinson’s such as sluggish movement, shuffling while walking, hesitancy to move, and difficulty getting out of a chair, bed, or vehicle. 

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Parkinson’s

Physical therapy for Parkinson’s offers a wealth of benefits including:

  • improved muscle and joint health 
  • strength building 
  • reduced stiffness and slowness
  • managing pain and discomfort
  • enhancing movement 
  • maintaining and improving breathing
  • preventing falls
  • reducing stress and improving


Types of Parkinson’s Physical Therapy 

At Balanced Gait, our Parkinson’s Physical Therapy is backed by medical evidence and is on a one-on-one basis with Dr. Susan. Dr. Susan will assess your physical health pertaining to Parkinson’s and then customize a rehabilitation program to address your challenges and target your goals!

LSVT Physical Therapy 

Dr. Susan is trained in the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) for Parkinson’s. She will create a movement plan for you that includes specific physical movements to train relevant muscle groups. This program helps strengthen your muscles. In addition, LSVT arrests the progression of hypokinesia, which is a common symptom of Parkinson’s.

Rock Steady Boxing 

Rock Steady Boxing is a no-contact spin on boxing, with an emphasis on improving the quality of life for people living with Parkinson’s Disease. The focus of Rock Steady Boxing is on gross motor development, improving balance, and steadying core strength. Positive movement in Rock Steady Boxing can improve your range of motion, flexibility, posture, gait, and daily tasks.

Balanced Gait Physical Therapy PC

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